Movie Night In the Vineyards

Movie Night In the Vineyards
8000 AMD
31.10.2024, 20:00
Van Ardi Winery
999 билеты, 895 осталось

Back by popular demand, Movie Night In the Vineyards is back!

This time, we’re going to watch “Drops of God” – a talent-filled and dramatic journey through the exciting intricacies of the wine world, based on a Japanese manga series. Join us as we follow how a young man and woman who must decipher a series of wine-related challenges in order to inherit the greatest wine collection in the world.

It combines elements of drama, mystery, and wine culture, showcasing the journey of the protagonists as they explore the world of wine.

Join us for a memorable night of wine, cinema, and beauty under the stars.

When: June 9 at 19:30
Where: Van Ardi Winery
Language: English
Price: 7000 AMD

Transportation: You can take gg shuttle that will be available for this event at Van Ardi
In addition to the screening of the film, there will also be an interactive quiz about wine and games, the winners will receive surprise gifts and a glass of wine.

To get your tickets: Call +374 95 508 800
Message @vanardiwines
Order at tomsarkgh_am

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8000 AMD
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